
Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekly Work Out Summaries

Since I accidentally spent the bulk of my free time the past couple weeks watching Scandal, I've got two weeks of weekly wrap ups to catch up on! Here's the workouts only (food and fun to come).

June 24 - June 30:
Monday: REST.

Tuesday: 3.5 mi @ 10:58 on the treadmill in the morning. This felt way too hard for what it was.

Wednesday: Rest.

Thursday: 4.7 mi @ 10:51 on the treadmill. Followed by an actual strength session (aka I didn’t bail and used heavy weights!). Felt good to knock out a tough workout on a week night.

Friday: 60 min slow flow yoga when I got home from work. This was a Yogadownload podcast and really hit the spot. Some longer, strength-oriented holds, but lots of stretching and not so vigorous that I worked up a sweat. Perfect for a Friday night!

Saturday: Around 5.6 mi outside, but I don’t have any specific data!! Ughh. My stupid NEWish Garmin never picked up the satellites, wtf. I was really annoyed to be slogging out in the heat for over an hour but not have any real data!

Super attractive bathroom selfie demonstrating how I feel about running in the heat.

Sunday: 3.3 mi @ 10:36 on the treadmill. Followed by another strength session--this one was split into some heavy weights at the gym, followed by interval/body weight exercises with Dan when I got home.

Weekly mileage: 17.1 miles
June mileage: 60.8 miles. Not bad!

July 1 - July 7:
Monday: REST

Tuesday: 3.5 mi @ 10:55 on the treadmill in the morning. Followed by a strength session with heavy weights. At night, Dan and I did a quickie body weight strength workout!

Wednesday: 30 minute "lunar flow" yoga before bed, aka guided stretching/rolling around on the ground.

Thursday: 4.7 mi @ 10:47 on the treadmill.

Friday: 3.3 mi @ 10:28 on the treadmill. Followed by a strength session--split between gym and at home with Dan! We did a Crossfit-style "AMRAP" of 5 push ups, 5 crunches, 5 squats for three minutes.

Saturday: 45 minute hip-opening flow yoga at home. This was a pleasantly tough podcast!

Sunday: 5.8 mi OUTSIDE. At a frustratingly slow pace for me currently: 11:27. It was 81* when I left and 90* when I got back. Shocker, avoiding the heat/running indoors is not making me better at running outdoors in the heat. Bleh.

Weekly mileage; 17.3 miles.

In Sum
On one hand, I need to GTFOff the treadmill and get outside. On the other, doing this will inevitably make me hate running with a fiery passion and make me want to skip all my runs, ever, for the rest of the summer. So I am just going to try to get outside once or twice a week, to make sure I can still run hills etc., but not stress out too much about general suckery or pace or losing running fitness. In theory.