Yikes, I let blogging fall by the wayside! January kind of got away from me, but I feel like I made decent progress on some of my goals this month! Less so on others. Let’s take stock of how I did on my “taking better care of things” project.
Home: “Pick everything the fuck up and start a weekly chore routine” were the notes I wrote for myself. I did a pretty good job at picking everything the fuck up. The apartment is in a much less disastrous state than it was in post-holidays--decorations and gifts are put away, boxes taken to the dumpster, etc. And I did go on a big deep-cleaning spree to ensure that I’m starting with a good base of cleanliness.
But as an UFYH follower, and generally a proponent of daily/lifestyle habits (as opposed to occasional, monumental efforts)--this type of “cleaning spree” behavior isn’t ideal for the long-run. So I’ve been working to get into a daily cleaning habit, doing one 20/10 per day (see link for explanation), plus a little extra on weekends. I’m not quite there yet with my consistency, so I think next month’s goal will focus on that.
Body: Getting back on track with workouts and eating. I did very well on the workouts and mostly decent on the eating. My eating is never quite where it probably should be, but I am getting my veggies in and not glutton-ing out on a daily basis. Workouts have been really good--I’m enjoying running high-for-me mileage and am loving yoga lately.
Mind: I was supposed to address three nagging tasks this month (to improve my peace of mind). I tackled 1.5 out of the 3. I did not get my 401k rolled over (ugch) or all of my relationships caught up on (see below). But I did succeed at thank you notes!
Relationships: Did not excel at this. I did connect with my local friends and go out (and will see some of them again this weekend for the Superbowl!) but am still struggling to contact my far-away, from college friends. It is one of those bad cycles--the longer I let it go, the more antsy I get about contacting, which makes me want to let it languish longer. Not good. Goal in February will be to break that cycle.
Overall it was a decent start to the year. I need to focus more on making the goals specific and attainable--using the SMART goals method is probably a good idea for next month's list.
Two Weekly Workout Summaries
I want to capture these for posterity! Apologies if they are boring, especially in double, but I like summarizing them. Also I've been killing it re: my training plan, so I want public acknowledgment of that fact!
January 14 - 20:
Monday: 5 miles @ 11:10 (For the record, unless I note otherwise, all of my runs are outside).
Tuesday: 75 minute power vinyasa yoga class.
Wednesday: 4 miles total. Weird half-rainy night where I ended up doing 2.75 mi on the treadmill in 30ish min and then got off because someone was clearly waiting and I didn't want to be that terrible gym person. And then I did some strength hoping maybe another treadmill would open up, but no such luck. So I ran 1.25 miles outside around my apartment complex to bring up the total.
Thursday: Rest day
Friday: 75 minute power vinyasa yoga class. Going on a Friday was fun but often not convenient for my schedule. I do like going to two studio classes a week though! (Though my wallet obviously doesn't...how bad is it that it doesn't feel like "real" money because I already purchased the pass? Don't answer that.)
Saturday: 7.5 mi @ 11:21. This wasn't so bad. Gorgeous weather.
Sunday: 3 mi @ 10:27 and then I went to the apartment gym for some strength training. Kind of half-assed both of the strength training sessions this week, honestly. Yoga has been leaving me sore!
Total mileage: 19.5 miles.
January 21 - 27:
Monday: We had the day off for MLK day (and inauguration), so I took advantage and did a 5.3 mile tempo run! 3 middle miles at 10:29 pace.
Tuesday: Rest day. Much needed after three days of running.
Wednesday: 4 mi @ 11:18.
Thursday: 3 miles on the treadmill. I threw in 4 "400s" (.25 mile intervals) that increased from 5.8-6.1. Yes those speeds are fast for me.
Friday: Two 20 min Yoga Download podcasts. Enjoyable!
Saturday: 8 miles @ 11:24. Woohoo! New PDR. There was a lot of snow on the ground--that packed tricky type--so I had to be slow/careful running. I was pleased I still ended up with a decent pace.
Sunday: Rest day--I was traveling for a grad school thing, so working out wasn't a high priority.
Total mileage: 20.3 miles.
Today's Workout
Which brings us to this week! Which has been a bit weird since it has been a cutback week. For reference, a cutback week is something the running experts say to add every 4-5 weeks when you are building mileage. You drop your mileage down during that week to give your body a chance to heal and recover before you continue to build. I personally also like them from a mental standpoint--it gives you some time to rest and get a few things done that you normally wouldn't.
But. I definitely have been running better the more I'm running. So today's 4 miler, after not running since Saturday due to the travel and cutback week, felt painful. Honestly my legs felt worse for it than they did for the 8 miler. So I should remember to maintain the frequency of my runs (just not the length) during cutback weeks. Lessons!
Today's Eats
I feel like I've featured this meal a ton on the blog...probably because it is my favorite and I have been making it once every two weeks (and it produces two meals of leftovers). Potatoes + onions + kale + cheese + an egg (salt and butter are essential non-featured ingredients as well).
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I can pretend it's healthy because it has kale. |