
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10-miler training

A little late (considering the 10-miler is less than a week away!), but here’s what I did to train for my first 10-miler!

I’ve been doing four runs a week, broken down as follows:

  • One long run. The cornerstone of any distance training plan. I was building on a base from a 10k, so I started with a 7-miler. I’ve basically been increasing the distance by a half mile each week. I had planned to peak at 11, but given that I missed a week with a cold, I stuck to around 10 (10.3). I still feel good going into the race though!
  • One mid-week longer run. This started as a 5 miler at the beginning and now I’m doing a 6 miler. These runs, maybe even more than my long runs, really helped me build my confidence for race day. A lot of times I’m feeling tired/not wanting to run for that long on a weeknight, so it is a good mental exercise. And it makes the rest of the weekday runs feel so much shorter!
  • One 4-miler: No frills, just running for four miles.
  • One shorter, usually treadmill run, with speed intervals: I don’t usually have a rhyme or reason to the speed intervals. Usually something like 4x400, but I’ve been doing 800s or tempo style too. It will typically last between 3 and 4 miles. I like doing this on the treadmill for pacing purposes and so that I can get a strength workout in afterwards.

Honestly, for most of the paces (besides the treadmill run), I just run whatever feels comfortable that day. Sometimes pushing myself feels great; other days I’m slogging through. I’m trying to push myself when I feel up to it.

I’ve taken a “cut back” week every fifth week to try to offset the mileage increases and give my mind and body a break. I think these have been helpful overall--or at least not detrimental.

In addition to the running, I try to get in 2-3 cross-training activities a week. I vary these up a bit, but here’s what I choose from::
  • Power vinyasa yoga class. I usually do one of these a week.
  • Easier yoga day--either a hatha-style class the studio or a shorter session at home.
  • Some time on the elliptical (followed by strength training).
  • Strength training. I try to get in at least one full-body session per week, but I really should incorporate two because I’m seeing how beneficial they are. Hard to fit in with everything else! I usually do two “circuits”, with each circuit having one of the following: a leg move (or a compound leg/arm move); an arm move; and a core move. Go through the circuit once, repeat twice. Then do the same for the second circuit. It helps me get it done quickly and not get bored.
  • Core work, if I have extra time after a run--just five minutes worth.

On a good week, I'd get 2 yoga classes and a strength session. And some weeks (ahem last week) I totally drop the ball on cross-training and do a big fat goose egg. I know they are important, but mentally having a hierarchy of what were "must-dos" and "nice-to-dos" was really helpful for making me feel not too overwhelmed by everything. Running (particularly the two longer ones) = must dos; cross-training = nice to do.

Below (behind the cut because it is crazy long), I've listed out a ton of backlogged weekly workout summaries (going back to February!). I figured these would be helpful for showing how I usually fit all of the activities in in a given week. I was writing these as I went but had never gotten around to posting them!

Weekly workout summary xgazillion

February 18 - February 24:
Monday: 6.2 mi @ 10:43. I felt SO GOOD on this run. Gorgeous weather and it just felt generally not impossible to hold that pace, which I'm hoping will be something like race pace for the 10 miler. Incidentally, this was faster than my 10k "PR" (aka the only race I've ever run), so I guess unofficial new PR yay?

Tuesday: 75 minutes power vinyasa class. Studio classes are worth it.

Wednesday: 4 mi @ 11:13. This was in the morning, go me. Then I did some quick core work when I came back.

Thursday: REST.
Friday: 3 mi on the treadmill at varying speeds. My head wasn't totally in the game, so this wasn't any sort of real speedwork.

Saturday: 9.4 mi @ 11:01. Woohoo. I had some minor RunKeeper issues again (tracking me on roads I didn't run on?) that led me to believe this was 10 miles at a hilariously fast pace, so I knew something was up. But then I got back, corrected the route (great RK feature!), and the pace fixed itself. I was still very pleased, though bummed I hadn't actually hit double digits!

Sunday: 30 minutes on the elliptical, then a good long strength session that left me super sore. .

Total mileage: 22.6 mi.

February 25 - March 3:
Monday: 6 mi @ 11:02 pace. I totally spaced before I left the house and forgot my iPod shuffle. It is a testament to how far I’ve come that I didn’t just abandon the run! Old Holly would have seen it as an excuse to bail or stop early, but I pushed through with just the thoughts in my head as company.

Tuesday: REST. Should have been yoga, but I couldn’t make it out of work in time.

Wednesday: 4 mi @ 11:03.

Thursday: 3 mi on the treadmill + strength. I changed the treadmill pace up a lot--the average pace came out to 10:38. I was trying to hustle toward the end to get off for someone! Then I did a slightly abbreviated strength routine..

Friday: 75 min power vinyasa yoga class.

Saturday: 10 miles @ 10:44 average pace. This run was so perfect that I wish it could have been my race, hah! But minimal stop lights, great pacing, nice weather. Just overall was a really good day to run.

Sunday: 90 min hatha yoga class. This class...did not quite do it for me. A little too much emphasis on the spiritual side of yoga for my liking. Will probably not go back.

Total weekly mileage: 23 miles

Total February mileage: 86.1 miles. Highest ever! Last February was my highest ever at the time as well--which was 37.75 miles. And that held as my longest month until September 2012. Crazy how far you can come in a year!

March 4 - March 10: Cutback week!
Monday: 5.1 mi @ 10:32. No idea where that speed came from.

Tuesday: Rest. Again, should have been yoga, but I was an idiot and left my clothes at home. Decided not to sweat it (literally) and take the day off, in the spirit of cutback week.

Wednesday: 3.5 mi on the treadmill + strength. The gym was packed (due to “snowquester”, aka the snow storm that never actually happened). I did 3x800 on the treadmill at 6.0-6.1 mph. Then some strength training.

Thursday: Rest. Dan and I decided to go out for dinner. :)

Friday: 5 miles @ 10:17 before my family arrived! They were coming for the weekend (I time my cutback weeks intentionally!), so I wanted to get this done before they came.

Saturday: Rest. Watching Syracuse lose miserably to G-town with the fam.[Edit: this is REALLY old--man now we are in the Final Four!]

Sunday: 3.3 miles @ 10:09. Truly gorgeous spring day! Then I headed to the gym for a strength workout.

Weekly mileage: 16.9
March 11 - March 17:
Monday: 6 mi @ 10:47.

Tuesday: 75 min power vinyasa yoga class.

Wednesday: REST. Dan and I went out to dinner!

Thursday: 4 mi @ 10:23.

Friday: 75 min power vinyasa yoga class.

Saturday: 10.1 mi @ 10:50. Man, the pace is pretty comparable to the 10-miler I did before my cutback week, but this run felt so much worse. Kind of discouraging. I think a major factor was dressing poorly--I was overheated within the first mile and should have gone back and changed at that point. Fail. But I got it done and never let myself walk (and tried to stay jumping around at the stop lights). They can’t all be fantastic.

Sunday: 3 miles on the treadmill. My legs were feeling tired. Overall pace 11:01.

Weekly mileage: 23.1 miles.

March 18 - March 24:
Monday: 40 min yoga at home.

Tuesday: 6 mi @ 10:37. Definitely starting to feel faster.

Wednesday: 90 min HOT power vinyasa yoga class. This was my first time at this studio (I had bought a Groupon). I was a fan, but man, that heat was challenging. I've done gently heated yoga before (with space heaters, etc.), but this 94* room was a different beast. The pace of the class was good--though I missed the music that my normal studio has!

Thursday: 4 mi on the treadmill. I did a "speed ladder" like you might do on a track: 1600 m (1 mile), 1200, 800, 400 all at 6.0 mph, with a 400 m rest lap in between each one.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 3 mi @ 11:09 - the long run that wasn't (due to a cold!).

Sunday: Rest - trying to get better!

Weekly mileage: 13 miles.

March 25 - March 31:

Monday: 4 mi @ 11:09. Still not feeling 100%.

Tuesday: Rest.

Wednesday: 5.8 mi @ 10:30. Feeling pretty much healed at this point!

Thursday: 3.5 mi on the treadmill - 3x800 @6.0->6.2 mph. I bailed on my planned strength training.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 10.3 mi @ 10:38. Really good long run to end on! Gave me a lot of confidence for next weekend and overall just felt READY to run the race. Let's do this!

Sunday: Rest - up in Baltimore for Easter!

Weekly mileage: 23.6 miles.
Total March mileage: 86.6 miles. Just beat out February!

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